Today’s a rest day, and I usually don’t post on rest days (because let’s face it, I’m fairly lazy), but I just have to say that I’m sore in very weird places after the Filthy Fifty yesterday. At least I know to do the Filthy Fifty on the last day of the cycle so that I have a day to recuperate before doing Crossfit again. Anyway, I am sore in a couple of places I did expect and a couple of places I didn’t expect and I’m trying to figure out the latter.

My glutes are sore and my hip extensors, which is no big surprise because you end up using those groups for the box jump, KB swings, lunges, KTEs, and goblin squats. My low back is sore from the back extensions, again no surprise. What was a surprise is that my calves hurt at all and my oblique abs hurt as much as they do. For the former, the only thing that could possibly have caused that is the 150 singles (which typically don’t give me a problem unless I do a LOT more than that) or perhaps doing 50 box jumps in a row (although that may have been the easiest part of the WOD and one of the only where I did all 50 reps without stopping). My obliques hurt a lot which can only be from doing the floor wipers. This is interesting, because it tells me that as great as KTE is, perhaps I need to incorporate floor wipes more often, although they never show up in the Crossfit arsenal (and they should because they take a lot of core control).

My quads aren’t sore at all, which is somewhat surprising, although I was very good about the foam roller after. I also am sore on my side, around my seventh or eighth rib, which is where my lats attach. That’s probably from jumping pull-ups. I also greased the groove at home later on pull-ups, which was probably stupid.

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