Snatch/Travel WOD 20

I accidentally woke up at 0430 this morning for no apparent reason at all and couldn’t get back to sleep. I’ll probably take a nap in just a few. But the good thing was I got into the gym right at 0700. There was absolutely no one there, so I knew that I could do whatever the hell I wanted. So I did lots of snatch training on the Oly platform. I decided to do 4×5 snatch balance, which was:


I probably could have gone heavier, but I am really scared about missing a snatch and dumping the weight in the globo. They probably wouldn’t let me do it anymore if I did dump the weight, so I have to be sort of careful on things like the snatch. I ended with a few empty bar hang snatches. When I get them right, I just know it, but it doesn’t happen a lot. The big thing is just being patient. Olympic lifting isn’t easy and I up until now, I haven’t done it much.

I went on to do Travel WOD 20 out of the Hopper Deck, which was for time:

-400m run
-50 squats
-400m run
-50 push-ups
-400m run
-50 sit-ups
-400m run

I finished in 16:46 which is pretty slow. I broke the push-ups down into five sets, which sucked up a lot of time, plus my run was just sort of sluggish. Oh well. I ended the day with about 20 minutes of free-standing and wall handstands until my head started to hurt from rolling out. All in all, a very productive day.

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