In Soviet Russia, Kettlebell Cleans You!!!

Today I decided to deadlift, 5×3. I have to think about form because I am too straight-kneed at the bottom per Clea, which means I am lowering the weight around my knees. Fine on the way up, not on the way down. So I tried to think about that today:

95×5 (warm-up)
115×5 (warm-up)
135×4 (warm-up)

Not bad. Over my BW on the last one. I then ended with Turkish Get-Up with a 25# KB. I do these in the ladies only room at the globo and get some weird looks, but I think that’s because when I’m done I curl up into the fetal position and whimper quietly to myself. I did a total of 30 on each side, broken down into sets of five. Then I ended with 10-9-8-5-4-3-3-3 of push-ups on what pass for pathetic parallettes, which are the foot thingies on the dip station. Not a bad day. Finally starting to come around after the Filthy Fifty.

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